Social media messaging and Public health behavior

New preprint, “Political partisanship influences behavioral responses to governors’ recommendations for COVID-19 prevention in the United States,” is now available online (link).

In this paper, my coauthors at Penn, Guy Grossman (Political Science), Jonah Rexer (Applied Economics), and Harsha Thirumurthy (Medicine), and I investigated how voters respond to their governors’ Twitter communications about the coronavirus during the early days of the pandemic. The manuscript is currently under review for journal publication.

The University of Pennsylvania covered this research in a news article.
A nice piece published on the Daily Pennsylvanian is here.
The Annenberg School for Communication also discussed this research in a newsletter.

Jonah also wrote a nice summary thread of the research. See below.

SafeGraph, the company providing COVID-related geospatial data, mentioned our research in their twitter feed.