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My name is Soojong Kim. I am a tenure-track assistant professor at the Department of Communication at University of California Davis. As a former computer scientist and engineer, I’m interested in combining insights from social sciences and innovative research methods, including large-scale data analysis, natural language processing, web-based experiments, network analysis, and computational modeling.

I have been elected and currently serving as the Secretary of the Computational Methods Division of the International Communication Association (ICA). I am a faculty affiliate of the Computational Communication Lab and the Computational Social Science Designated Emphasis program at UC Davis.

Before joining UC Davis, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University, jointly affiliated with the Program on Democracy and the Internet (PDI) and the Digital Civil Society Lab (DCSL). I received my PhD at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.

Based on computational and quantitative methods, my research investigates the impacts of inequality, disparity, and risk in the context of science, health, and environment. Here are some of the active clusters of my research.
(1) InequalAI: Is AI dividing society? How can we design and adopt new technologies considering equality and justice?
(2) The information ecosystem project: More expansive & granular exploration of the ecosystem of connections, flows, and narratives in digital space.
(3) Mapping the machine mind: How are certain human behaviors and social norms “perceived” by large language models?
(4) Info-forecast: Capturing and predicting (dis)information’s causal effects on people, in real-time.
Here are recent outcomes.

Throughout my career, I have been recognized for my contributions, receiving awards such as the ICA Best Paper Award, AEJMC Top Faculty Paper Award, Wharton Russell Ackoff Fellowship, Waterhouse Family Institute Research Grant Award, Annenberg Doctoral Research Fellowship, and MisinfoCon Research Grant.

More information about me can be found on my Curriculum Vitae, LinkedIn, and faculty profile.
Research articles and patents are listed on my Google Scholar profile.
You can also find me on Twitter: @soojongkim_1.
I am fortunate to work with amazing collaborators.
Email me if you have any questions: soojong_kim_97[at]gmail.com (remove the underscores.)